What to expect


Engage ABA Inquiry

Thank you for taking the time to inquire about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services with Engage ABA.

To be placed on our interest list please fill out the Client Interest Form.

You’ll receive a confirmation email and be placed on our interest list. As service openings occur for your needs, we’ll use the contact information provided to reach out. If you don’t receive a confirmation email, please let us know.

When a potential fit coincides with an opening, we’ll contact you to schedule an initial phone call to identify current needs. If the client’s needs and the opening are a fit, we will continue with the intake process.


At this time Engage ABA will need:

  • Your availability to meet with the team

  • An updated copy of the back and front of the client’s health ID card

  • A prescription for ABA from a your primary care physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist

Between intake paperwork and meeting with the clinical team, the intake meeting typically takes 2-3 hours. It may include a meet and greet with the client, caregivers, and potential Behavior Technician to allow everyone to see whether it could be a good fit.

Next, a BCBA will schedule 6-8 hours of observation sessions to identify current skills and build rapport. From this, the team will review the assessments and let you know if we are able to serve the client. If we all decide to move forward, we use the data and input to write a treatment plan which will detail goals as well as how, when and who should implement each. Then there is one more follow up meeting before treatment begins.


ABA can be used across the entire day. As with anything, the more you practice the skill and receive reinforcement the more likely it is to occur in the future. When the BCBA recommends a program, it is meant to be completed every day with the level of support from Engage ABA dependent on whether the family and the client are able to implement services independently. Typically, Engage ABA might support 3-5 days per week and the parents or client will complete the treatment on the remaining days.

For the highest chance of success we require that the teen/adult is aware and consents to treatment. Since this can look different for every client, we’re open to discussing how we can increase autonomy and consent during therapy sessions dependent on their individual circumstances.


Do parents have to be present for services?

Due to the age of the population we work with, we don’t require parents to be present at every therapy session. That said, there is a parent training and implementation component to be coordinated between you and the BCBA which needs to be maintained for continuation of services.

With respect, our service is focused and requires commitment and time from both the client and the family. This commitment can vary from 10 hours up to 40 hours per week for clients, with additional parent obligations — A commitment which can pay off over time.


Data from the client’s programs is reviewed and program changes are made twice a month. New assessments and goal development takes place at least once every 6 months.


Consider what independence will look like for your teen/adult. Everyone is different and everyone does things differently — Considering this and having either the teen/adult or parent/guardian communicate it to the team is crucial for continued success.

Once the client can implement treatment independently we’ll meet to consider fading Engage ABA services. It’s important at this point to consider natural support networks able to promote continuing the plan.